
This year’s program


2017日本―オーストラリア 共同制作プログラム


公募より選出したオーストラリア・メルボルンより監督・振付・脚本のネイサン・スミス、監督・脚本のマックス・ポラード、カメラマンのマット・ウィルソンを招聘し、夏目漱石の小説「坊っちゃん」 からインスパイヤ―を受けた作品「坊っちゃん合宿」の制作を松山で行いました。日本人の振付家・出演者などと共同制作することで、今後のダンス映画の活性化に繋がることを目的とします。

・三津地区・三津浜という古い町並みが残る漁港があり、NPO法人クオリティ・アンド・コミュニケーション・オブ・アーツ(通称「アートNPOカコア」)※英語表記NPO Quality and Communication of Arts(QaCoA)が中心となり、三津浜で町とアートを繋ぐプロジェクトを積極的に行ってきていること。




2016年9月文化庁委託事業「平成28年度戦略的芸術文化創造推進事業」“The 2 nd International Dance Network Programme of Inviting Directors from Overseas”で、豪州のDance Houseのキュレーター・クリエイティヴ・プロデューサーのPhilipa Rothfieldさんと知り合ったことをきっかけに、オーストラリア・メルボルンのDance Houseを共同パートナーとして実施。オーストラリアで作・振付・監督・カメラマンのチームとして公募し、24組の応募者の中からネイサン・スミスとマックス・ポラードを選出した。



撮影場所下見や打ち合わせなどを行った。最終日には、他府県からパネリストを招き「AIR in 松山の未来を探る。」を実施した。

8/11-31 滞在制作

上映会 2018年2-3月

2018年4月以降 ヨーロッパ・アメリカなどの映画祭で上映予定


Project Title

JCDN International Dance in Residence Exchange Project vol.7
2017 Japan - Australia International Exchange Program IN Matsuyama

Project Outline

We will produce a dance film for the first time in the AIR program.
We invited he director, choreographer, and script writer Nathan Smith, the director and script writer Max Pollard, and the cameraman Matt Wilson from an open call for submissions and produced a piece entitled “Botchan Intensive” inspired by Natsume Soseki’s novel Botchan in Matsuyama. Our purpose is to bring about a vitalization of dance films in the future by having this piece be in collaboration with Japanese choreographers and performers.
The following is the reason why we chose Matsuyama city, Ehime prefecture as the place for the residency.
* It is a town that can summon creative wonderful creative power as can be seen with its hot springs, literature, and history.
* It is a region that already had a dance force that could support our creation, with contemporary dancers who are active all over the country. It is a region that has a lively dance scene centered on the young generation, with effort going into its dance education at Ehime Matsuyama University.
* There is the fishing port of the Mitsu area, Mitsuhama, where the old town and its scenery still remain. With the NPO Quality and Communication of Arts (QaCoA) playing a central role, there is a project actively being undertaken to connect the town and art at Mitsuhama.
When we thought about where to produce a dance film in residency, we chose Matsuyama city for its abundance in artistic elements, its unique Japanese culture, and as a region with enough power behind its dance to be able to realize an international collaboration in film production.
During the residency, we held Nathan Smith’s workshop and invited panelists for different areas of Japan and set up opportunities to hear about the status of the AIR project in different regions and a place for Matsuyama’s artists to gather and talk about the art project, in order to be able to continue onto the next AIR program in Matsuyama.
Also, we plan on screening the piece that was born from this at video dance festivals all over the world. It will be an opportunity to widely show the piece that was produced by the AIR project of both countries.

Project history : Selection of Residency Artists

“The 2nd International Dance Network Programme of Inviting Directors from Overseas” was executed with Melbourne’s Dance House as a collaborative partner, after becoming acquainted with Philipa Rothfield, the curator and creative producer of Australia’s dance house. In Australia there was an open call for teams of producers, choreographers, directors and cameramen, and Nathan Smith and Max Pollard were chosen out of the 24 groups that applied.
The collaborative Japanese artists necessary for the piece applied to the program from within Japan, and the candidates were selected by Smith through an audition.
The application guidelines for artists in Australie can be found here:
The application guidelines for artists in Japan:


* July 4th- 8th
We held two days of auditions to select the collaborative Japanese artists out of the submissions received from all over Japan, held meetings, and took a look at the filming locations. On the last day, we invited panelists from other areas of Japan and held the panel discussion“AIR in Searching for the future of Matsuyama.” Furthermore, we held workshops for local people during the period of the production in residency.
* August 11th – 31st
In the first week, we held meetings, went location hunting, and created the dance for each scene in studio rehearsals. For two weeks after that, we filmed in places like Matsuyama castle, park, Matsuyama outdoor activity center, Matsuyama prefectural office, Mitsuhama elementary school, Mitsu Pass, on an Iyotetsu train, the old company headquarters for Ishizaki Steamboats, and the Bansuisou villa. Furthermore, we held workshops for local people during the period of the production in residency.
* February - March, 2018 Film Screening
We plan to show the dance film created during the residency in Melbourne, Matsuyama, and Kyoto.
* From April, 2018, Plans for showings at European and American film festivals
Details about the Dance Film Screening, the forum to expand the possibilities of AIR in Matsuyama, and the Workshops: