


ネイサン・スミス 監督・振付・作・脚本

2004年、ヴィクトリアン・カレッジ・オブ・ジ・アーツのダンス学科を卒業。Opera Australiaでダンサーとして活動しながら、国際的ににも活躍。日本では東京ディズニーランドで3年間。Short & Sweet Dance Melbourneで振付作品が受賞。アーツマネジメントでディプロマをとり2013年にトーマス・ポラードと“Running Man”http://www.runningman.com.auを立ち上げ。

マックス・ポラード 監督・脚本

2013年スウィンバーン大学の映画・テレビ科を卒業後、世界的に有名な製作会社Exit Filmsで監督助手をつとめる。現場たたきあげの映画メーカーで、オールラウンダー。






ネイサン・スミスは、メルボルンを拠点とするダンス映画カンパニー“Running Man”の共同創設者、ディレクター。最初の短編映画“and to hold,”の作・振付と共同監督を担当。“and to hold,”は2014年キャンベラ短編映画祭のファイナリストに選ばれ、Sinema Dans Ankara – Turkey and Tiny Dance 2014 – San Franciscoでも上映。2014年“Knock”(作・監督)はオーストラリア・ダンス・アワードにノミネートされ、メルボルン映画祭では観客賞を受賞、15以上の映画祭で上映された。2014年より新しい短編映画シリーズ“The 100”の製作をはじめ、東京お台場でも撮影。“The 100”の製作はオーストラリアでも続き、マックス・ポラードの編集で、2018年に最初のチャプターを公開予定。2016年、オーストラリアのダンサーAthol Willoughby OAMのドキュメンタリー映画を作成し、2017年に公開予定。

マックス・ポラードは2014年“Running Man”に参加。“The 100”の編集、Athol Willoughby OAMのドキュメンタリー映画の監督助手をつとめる。
スウィンバーン大学で監督を学び、過去3年はフルタイムのアシスタントとしてExit Filmsで働いた。
2016年はQuiet Giantとの共同製作で‘Dead Lift’を監督。2017年、ファッション・フォトグラファーやMikey Whyte.との新しいコラボレーションを開始。

KNOCK https://vimeo.com/77016963
And to hold https://vimeo.com/73269508

マット・ウィルソン 撮影監督

2013年に映画とテレビ専攻でスィンバーン大学を卒業した後、短編映画「Dysfunctional」(2013年)で、名声あるオーストラリア映画撮影協会の銀賞を2014年に受賞した。2015年には、彼が監督したデビュー映画「Yellow Jacket」(2013年)で選外佳作賞を受賞した。彼は16mmフィルムとデジタルで短編映画を撮影した多くの経験から、プロダクションのニーズに合った様々なスタイルに対応できることに自信を持っている。
最近、マットはテレビやインターネットでのコマーシャル・コンテンツの撮影と照明デザインに集中している。また、劇映画、メルボルンのアーティストのためのミュージック・ビデオ、自分自身の制作会社「Quiet Giant」でコメディのインターネットシリーズ番組にも取り組んでいる。

ゆみうみうまれ 文化コーディネート・通訳・脚本翻訳

兵庫県宝塚市出身、‘93年よりオーストラリアに移住、パフォーマンス・アーティスト、振付家として舞踏キャバレエなどの独特の作品を発表し、欧州、南米、日本、中国、東南アジア、ニュージーランド等で公演を重ねる。うみうまれは、オーストラリア政府フェローシップ、近年のグリーンルームアワードの特別賞受賞者でもあり、また、日豪文化交流の担い手として、国際交流プロジェクトに カルチャー・コーディネーター、通訳として数々参加している。www.yumi.com.au


黒田健太 (ヨウジュ)



松山大学ダンス部に所属。卒業後単身NYへ短期留学、様々なダンスを学ぶ。帰国後、振付家のアマンダ・ミラー氏に師事。1999年、現メンバーと “yummydance”設立。




2006年-2017年、Monochrome Circusダンサーとして活動し、国内ツアーや各地での公演、フランス、韓国、フィンランドのフェスティバルへの出演など、国内外問わず多くの作品に参加。個人として音楽家・山中透との共同制作作品「白昼夢」(愛媛県町立久万美術館「松本俊夫展・白昼夢」)、「fruits session 2014」(愛媛県立美術館「洲之内徹と現代画廊展」)、映像作家・飯名尚人との共同制作作品「金魚撩乱」、前田英一とのデュオ作品「未だ無題」(FOuR Dancers vol.38 UrBANGUILD)などがある。

大北 悟(ヒロ)


宇都宮 忍(ユウ)

yummydance のメンバーとして、これまでに、JCDN「踊りに行くぜ!!」「DANCE×MUSIC!」などでの国内ツアー、「ラボ20」「WE LOVE DANCE FESTIVAL」「吾妻橋ダンスクロッシング」「みんなのフェス」などで、作品を多数上演。国内の公共ホールや公立美術館での単独公演、また海外では 、DANSPACE PROJECT(NY), Freiburg International Dance Festival (ドイツ)など。劇場以外(カフェ、商店街、廃墟など)でのパフォーマンスも多く行なっている。


Short movie (Location is Mitshama)
「将棋ダブルス 三津の渡し杯」完全版(2016, 15:49)https://youtu.be/ZDsmY6W_un8
Movie (Location is Mitshama)
「ロマンズ・ブルー」 preview (2016, 01:22) https://youtu.be/0abZrDsL7EA
「ロマンズ・ブルー」 (2017, 41:46) https://youtu.be/3awB5yxN9DA
わくわく三津浜(完)トレーラー(2016年 1:55) https://youtu.be/svTJy5DWL7I

佐伯美晴(シークレット・サービス SS2)



Nathan Smith / Director Choreography Script

Nathan Smith received a Bachelor of Dance from the Victorian College of the Arts in 2004, working with choreographers such as Phillip Adams, Becky Hilton and Anna Smith. Since graduating he has performed as a dancer with Opera Australia on many occasions as well as internationally working for 3 years as a dancer at Tokyo Disneyland, Japan. His stage choreography awarded him a finalist place in Short & Sweet Dance Melbourne, before moving into Dance Film. He studied a graduate diploma in Arts Management and then in 2013, he co-founded Running Man Australia with Thomas Pollard - http://www.runningman.com.au a boutique dance film company based in Melbourne, Australia

Max Pollard / Director Script Editor

Max Pollard has been in house as a Director’s Assistant at world-renowned production company Exit Films since graduating a Bachelor of Film and Television in 2013 from Swinburne University. He is a hands on filmmaker and all-rounder working closely with mentor’s including Garth Davis (Director of Academy Award Nominated Film “Lion”), Mark Molloy and Glendyn Ivin. Outside of work he continues to create cinematic content collaborating with various creatives and experimenting with other disciplines ie. Fashion film, photography and online content.

Past work (choreographic, dance film etc)
Nathan Smith is the co-founder and director of Running Man Australia, a boutique dance film company based in Melbourne, Australia. Nathan wrote, choreographed and co-directed their first short film “and to hold,” which was a finalist in the National Category at the Canberra Short Film Festival 2014, and also screened at Sinema Dans Ankara - Turkey and Tiny Dance 2014 – San Francisco.
In 2014, Nathan wrote and directed “Knock” which was nominated for an Australian Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance on Film or New Media, the film also won “Audience Choice Award” at Made in Melbourne Film Festival and has screened at over 15 international film festivals, most notably Dance On Camera – New York 2015, San Francisco Dance Film Festival 2014, Dance Media Japan 2014 and Loikka Festival, Finland 2016.

Running Man continue to create new work, In 2014, Nathan began filming Running Man’s new short film series “The 100” which saw him return to Japan for the shoot in Odiaba, Tokyo. “The 100” project is still in production now in Australia and is being edited by Max Pollard. Running Man hope to release the first chapter in 2018.

In 2016, Nathan directed a short documentary on former Australian dancer Mr Athol Willoughby OAM, set for release in late 2017. Max Pollard joined Running Man as an associate in 2014, he is the editor of “The 100” and was a Director’s assistant during the filming of Athol Willoughby.

Max specialised in directing at Swinburne University, his showreel gained him a position at Exit Films where he has worked full time as an assistant for the last three years, gaining invaluable experience on large-scale filmic television commercials, which inspire and inform his own work.

Collaborating with production company Quiet Giant in 2016 Max wrote and directed ‘Dead Lift’ a tense short narrative film inspired by toxic gym culture. 2017 saw the start of a new collaboration with fashion photographer and mother agent Mikey Whyte. Max has been providing videography elements for the Vulkan Magazine editorial of Matt Jackson and later filming online content for Angelwhisper.com a nation wide jewellery and accessories distributor.

Max is currently in pre-production for an online content film commissioned by Intent Journal. The film focuses on “L2R” a community dance troop made up of newly arrived immigrants to Australia. He is also close to completing ‘To Nan and Pa’, an experimental personal profile film exploring society’s stigma surrounding mental health and it’s effects on family and friends.

KNOCK https://vimeo.com/77016963
And to hold https://vimeo.com/73269508

Matt Wilson / Director of photography

Since completing his studies in Film and Television at Swinburne University in 2013, Matt took out a coveted Silver Award from the Australian Cinematography Society in 2014 for his work on the short film Dysfunctional (2013). In 2015, he was also awarded an Honourable Mention for Directing for his debut short film Yellow Jacket (2013). Having shot a number of short films on 16mm film and digital, Matt prides himself on being able to tackle a variety of styles and looks to match the productions needs.
Recently, Matt has been concentrating on shooting and lighting on a variety of television commercial and web-based commercial content, as well as, narrative films, music video content for local Melbourne artists, and comedy based web series with his production company, Quiet Giant.
Matt currently resides in Melbourne, Australia and in his spare time, enjoys taking photos of his cat, Ramona.

Yumi Umiumare / Cultural Coordination / Interpretation / Script translation

Born in Hyogo, Japan, Yumi is a performance artists and choreographer, living in Melbourne since 1993. She has been creating Butoh Cabaret and her distinctive style of works, which have been seen in numerous festivals in dance, theatre and film productions throughout Australia, Japan, Europe, New Zealand, South East Asia and South America. She is recipient of Australian Council Fellowship and the recent Green Room Awards for her contribution to Contemporary and Experimental Performance. As a cultural ambassador, she has worked in many international exchange projects as cultural coordinators and interpreter. www.yumi.com.au


Kenta KURODA (Yohju)

Started dance at age 10 and went to dance school till age 18.
When he was a Junior high school student, he joined the track and field club and was the best 4 of Triple Jump in Shikoku.
When he was a high school student, he joined the boxing club and went to an inter-high school competition.
He majored in performing arts and studied Drama and Dance at University.
Has joined MuDA since the summer of 2016-2017.

Miyuki TOKUI (Nahoko)

She belongs to the Matsuyama University Dance club. After graduation she studied abroad for a short period of time in NY, where she learned various styles of dance.
After returning home, she studied under the choreographer Amanda Miller.
In 1999, she founded "yummydance" with its members.
She performed many times in Japan and made works with citizens.
She was also invited to and performed in Germany and New York.
She also produces solo works and performs repeated performances.
She was selected as a finalist in 2005 and 2008 for the "Toyota Choreography Award".
At the same time, she is undergoing a variety of activities, such as collaborative work with other genre artists, as well as workshops for facilities, schools, and actors. She also choreographed work for a dance studio.
She co-produced work with the musicians "Mountain from Mountain," and that DVD has been released nationwide by JCDN. In 2010, she formed a performance unit "Hanbun.co" with the animator Chieko Yamauchi from the Czech Republic. The precise filming animation and dance works are being performed throughout Japan.

Midori GODA (Moe)

Midori Goda studied dance and education under Makiko Ushiyama when she was enrolled in Ehime University, After graduating , she studied contemporary dance and art under Amanda K. Miller who is an American choreographer in Germany. In 1999, she formed the dance company yummydance with members. They have performed original dance works in more than 20 domestic and foreign cities, such as many domestic tours and NY as well as overseas festivals in Germany.
She is performing as a solo artist and in a duet, along with many other kinds of projects. Her main choreography work is titled ”Something I cannot but tell you on the quiet” (Matsuyama and overseas performance at the E-werk dance festival in Germany). In addition, her recent solo work “Summon up the Beast” has been performed at Matsuyama, Fukuoka Dance Festival and elsewhere.
Also, in collaboration with Yuki Goda her works include "Our Spiral" (staged in 3 cities through JCDN’s We’re Gonna Go Dancing !!) and performances organized by Kuma Art Museum "Daydream." In the work of dance video, her works extend to "Mountain from the hand" (JCDN "DANCE× MUSIC and co-production stage work with Takeo Toyama Orchestra), and she participated as a member of yummydance in video dance work by Naoto Iina.

Yuki Goda (Soichiro)

He belongs to the dance company “Monochrome Circus” that is based in Kyoto. Later, he gained experience on many stages in Japan and abroad as a main dancer of the company. As an individual, he has worked in coproduction with Toru Yamanaka (dumb type), Naoto Iina (Dance and Media Japan), Hidekazu Maeda (dumb type), among others.
As a teacher, he has taught dance club activities in Matsuyama university for 3 years. Also, he has a lot of teaching experience of contact and contemporary dance in some workshops and education fields in Japan.
In addition, he is working as the organizer of “Goda-project (Goda-Kikaku)” and “Kyoto international dance workshop festival” in order to spread contemporary dance in Japan.

Satoru OHKITA (Hiro)

He joined "Ehime daigaku dance AZ" in October 2012 and has started solo work since September 2013. He participated as a dancer in " We’re Gonna Go Dancing !! Second vol.5 in Matsuyama." He was selected as a finalist at the "Yokohama dance collection competition Ⅱ 2015 & 2016"

Shinobu UTSUNOMIYA (Yuu)

As a member of yummydance, she has participated in domestic tours such as JCDN "We're Gonna Go dancing!!", "DANCE×MUSIC!", and also the other festival "Lab 20", "WE Love DANCE FESTIVAL", ''Azumabashi Dance Crossing", and "Everyone's Festival."
As for her work abroad, she has participated in the "DANSPACE PROJECT" (N.Y) and the "Freiburg International Dance Festival" (Germany).

Takahiko KAINO (Secret service SS1)

(Location is Mitsuhama) preview
Short movie
(2016, 15:49)https://youtu.be/ZDsmY6W_un8
(2016, 01:22) https://youtu.be/0abZrDsL7EA
(2017, 41:46) https://youtu.be/3awB5yxN9DA
(2016, 01:55) https://youtu.be/svTJy5DWL7I

Miharu SAIKI (Secret service SS2)

She started classical ballet since she was 4 years old and studied abroad in Monaco for 3 years from the age of 15. She has performed in dance studio Moga’s recital since she was 27 years old.