八戸・三陸・金沢・城崎・松山 →AIR in 松山の未来を探る。
7月8日(土) START 14:00 このプログラムは、終了しました。
参加費無料 (要予約)
パネリスト:八戸||澤苑美 金沢||黒田裕子 三陸||佐東範一 城崎||田口幹也 松山||徳永高志
ファシリテーター:徳永高志 | 水野立子
1部 14:00―16:00
2部 16:15―17:30
① これまでの松山のアートプロジェクトを紹介
② パネリスト・参加者を交えて、松山での未来のAIRを考える
※ 当日参加も可能ですが、ご予約されている方を優先してご案内します。
※ 予約申込方法
下記①~⑤を明記の上、メール 2017air@jcdn.orgまでお申込みください。
大澤苑美(八戸市まちづくり文化推進室 芸術環境創造専門員)
ダンス公演でもワークショップでもないダンス事業がしたい! アーティストと地域の新しい関係を開拓したい! これ行政が主催でやってることなの!?とびっくりされたい! 大都市がうらやむようなことを地方都市でやりたい! 突っ走ってきた6年間をお話します。
黒田裕子(金沢21世紀美術館交流課 プログラム•ディレクター/コーディネーター)
路上生活の記憶を刻む肉体が突きつけるリアリティに観客は自らと向き合う/がん患者や医療関係者とがんについておしゃべり!?/住人の思い出の場所を採取して炙り出す街の別顔/障がい者とともに意識をひっくり返す/金沢郷土料理への偏愛をニューヨーカーのシェフがBENTO BOXに詰めた。お味は?/今年のラインナップです。
田口幹也(城崎国際アートセンター 館長兼広報・マーケティングディレクター)
1969年 兵庫県豊岡市出身。豊岡市城崎町在住。上智大学法学部卒業。(株)QUICK、日本IBM(株)を経て、危機管理情報サービス提供会社やサッカー専門新聞、飲食店運営会社等の立ち上げに参画。2011年の東北大震災を機に豊岡市に帰郷。豊岡市大交流アクションプランアドバイザー(通称:おせっかい。)として、2013年から「豊岡エキシビジョン」の企画・運営に携わるほか、豊岡市の魅力を発信するための活動を行う。2015年4月より現職。

80年~94年舞踏カンパニー白虎社の舞踏手・制作として活動。96年より1年間N.Y.に滞在しDTW、ムーブメントリサーチ等のアーツ・サービス・オーガニゼーションの活動を体験。98年JCDN設立準備室開設に参画。05年日本財団APIシニアフェロー、アジアと日本のダンスネットワーク設立のリサーチ開始。07年~09年「踊りに行くぜ!!」 アジアツアー(タイ、フィリピン、マレーシア、インドネシア、カンボジア、ベトナム等)を企画・実施する。2011年から国際アーティスト・イン・レジデンス(フィンランド・米国・香港・オーストラリア)、「踊りに行くぜ!!」Ⅱ(セカンド)2010年から2016年などがある。
Hachinohe・Sanriku・Kanazawa Kinosaki Matsuyama →AIR in Searching for the Future of Matsuyama
8th July (Sat) START 14:00 This program has ended.
Matsuyama City Regional Comunity Center (Mitsuhama Branch Office)
AIR is an Artist-in-Residence program in which artists make a creation at the location of the residency. Along with the creation of a piece for the artist, something interesting and with a little something special will come into being while having a synergistic effect with the community, people, culture, and landscape that only exists in the area where the artist resides. While hearing about the previous experiments of AIR in Matsuyama, Kinosaki, Kanazawa, Sanriku, and Hachinohe, we will plot the future way of holding AIR here in Matsuyama.
- Hachinohe:
- Sonomi Osawa
- / Kanazawa:
- Yuko Kuroda
- / Sanriku:
- Norikazu Sato
- / Kinosaki:
- Mikiya Taguchi
- / Matsuyama:
- Takashi Tokunaga
Facilitator / Panelists
- Takashi Tokunaga
- / Ritsuko Mizuno
Part1 2:00-4:00pm
An Introduction of the AIR programs in 4 regions:
Hachinohe, Sanriku, Kanazawa, Kinosaki
Part2 4:15-5:30pm
*Searching for the AIR program in Matsuyama from now on
1. An Introduction of the Matsuyama project until the present
2. Local artists, planning coordinators, among others thinking of the future of AIR in Matsuyama in conversation with the panelists and participants
Mieko Suzuki (Thater NECO) / Masanori Hoshika (choreographer/dancer) / Kohiciro Mori (movie director) / Chieko Yamauchi (Animation creator) / yummydance (dance company)
Sonomi Osawa / Art Coordinator (City development & culture promotions office of Hachinohe City, Specialist in Arts, Environment, and Creation)
In 2008, she finished her master's degree at the Tokyo University of the Arts graduate school.
During 2008-2011, she worked at the Japan foundation for Regional Art-Activities (Tokyo) and was in charge of supporting contemporary dance programs for local public halls.
Since 2011, she has worked in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture, in charge of the planning and management of art projects utilizing regional resources unique to the community, such as Nango Art Project and Hachinohe Kojyo Daigaku (art project with a factory). And besides, she has played a part in the cultural administration of Hachinohe City and is now involved in preparation of the establishment of a new art museum.
Yuko Kuroda / Program Director / Coordinator
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa
Yuko Kuroda has been producing domestic/ international productions in the field of performance, contemporary dance, and music as well as residency programs and outdoor events, taking advantage of the vicinities of the museum. In 2014 she launched an artist in residency program “Kanazawa Fringe,” where artists are invited to explore the city to conceive and present their new works in relation to our society, in unconventional ways, challenging the physical and psychological boundaries that may exist between genres and established art form.
Mikiya Taguchi /
Director and Head of Marketing and Communication of Kinosaki International Arts Center (KIAC)
Born in 1969 in Hidaka, Toyooka (formerly Kinosaki district). Currently living in Kinosaki, Toyooka. Graduated from the Faculty of Law at Sophia University. Worked for QUICK Co., Ltd until 1994. In charge of marketing and communication at IBM Japan, Ltd. in the at-the-time newly established CD-ROM division. Took part in 2000 in the founding of Rescuenow Inc., a company specialized in providing crisis management services. Participated in 2004 in the launch of El Golazo, the only football specific newspaper in Japan. Involved in several other new projects. Came back to Toyooka after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Working in current position since 2014.
Iwate Miyagi
Norikazu Sato (NPO Japan Contemporary Dance Network (JCDN) Executive Director / Sanriku International Festival Producer)
He joined the Butoh company “Byakkosha” in 1980 as both a dancer and company manager until it was dissolved in 1994. He studied arts management at the Dance Theater Workshop in New York in 1996 and worked on the Triangle Art Project that toured the United States of America, Indonesia, and Japan.
He then founded a non-profit organization, Japan Contemporary Dance Network (JCDN) in Kyoto in 2001. JCDN operates the “JCDN Web Site” which disseminates information about the Japanese dance world and operates the “JCDN Dance Reserve,” an on-line ticket reservation system. JCDN organizes “We’re Gonna Go Dancing!!” (a national tour project) affiliated with performance venues all over Japan since 2000, coordinates community dance, and promotes exchange residency programs with overseas organizations. He serves as chief coordinator of the Japan foundation for Regional Art-Activities and as the dance curator of “Konyoku Onsen Sekai” of Bepp Art Festival.
Facilitators / Panelists
Takashi Tokunaga (Chairman of the Board of Directors at the NPO Quality and Communication of Arts (QaCoA))
Holder of a Doctorate Degree in Cultural Policy Studies. After being the associate professor at Matsuyama Shinonome College, he established the NPO Quality and Communication of Arts (QaCoA) in 2004, and is the chairman of the board of directors. He is developing arts projects in several areas with a focus on the region of Mitsuhama in Matsuyama city. Currently, he works as a core advisor at Chino Cultural Complex as well as being an advisor for the Kabuki Theater Uchikoza and the Awaji puppet theater, and he is also involved in the cultural policies of the local governments of Kobe city, Matsuyama city, Iyo city, and the town of Kumakogen. He is a part-time instructor of the graduate school at Keio University. He has published a number of books including The History of Traditional Playhouses Shibaigoya in Twentieth Century(1999, Yuzankaku Publishing Company), The Cultural Economics of Theaters (2000, Fuyushobo Publishing Company), The History and Future of Public Cultural Facilities (2010, Koyo Shobo Publishing Company), Uchikoza Kabuki Theater (2016, Gakugei Shuppan Publishing Company)
Ritsuko Mizuno (Program Director, Founder / NPO Japan Contemporary Dance Network (JCDN) Groovism Company)

She was a dancer and manager of the Butoh company Byakkosya from 1980 to 1994 and experienced activities of DTW and Movement Research in New York in 1996. Since she took part in the establishment preparation office of JCDN in 1998, she has been planning JCDN's projects. She started research on the building of a dance network between Asia and Japan as a senior fellow of the Nippon Foundation API Fellowships in 2005, and since then she has been actively organizing dance projects having to do with Asia, such as an Asian four-country tour of "We're Gonna Go Dancing!!" in 2007 and a four-city tour in Indonesia in 2008. Her recent production is “JCDN International Dance in Residence Exchange Project” (Finland, Hong Kong, U.S, Australia) an annual project since 2011, and “We`re gonna go dancing!!”II (2010-2017)