AIR Alliance Platform 2018
京都上映会 ダンスと映画 物語る身体
会場:京都芸術センター ミーティングルーム2(南館3階)
これまで国内で唯一、国際ダンス映画祭を開催してきたDance and Media Japanの飯名尚人氏を迎え、
「The Cuckoo’s Cry」 2015年 27分
イスラエル出身の振付家インバル・オシュマンと作家のヤネッツ・レヴィは、2014年度の京都芸術センターレジデントアーティストとして京都で本作を制作した。松尾芭蕉の俳句「京にても 京懐かしや ほととぎす」からインスピレーションを得て、ダンスと音楽で物語を詩情豊かに綴る。
振付:インバル・オシュマン 演出・脚本:インバル・オシュマン & ヤネッツ・レヴィ
撮影監督:古木洋平 音楽:Doron Butnik
編集・音響デザイン:Sagie Baron
Inbal Oshman(インバル・オシュマン/イスラエル)
世界の多様な文化から着想を得てダンスを創作する振付家、ダンサー。彼女の振付やコンセプトは、異なる世界の神話や歴史、文化的な要素を混合させて創られる。オシュマンは劇場や公共空間のための、また映像作品としてのダンスを創作している。彼女の作品はドイツ、イタリア、ベルギー、スイス、日本、インド、ポルトガルなど各国で上演されている。2015年の京都芸術センターアーティスト・イン・レジデンスプログラム参加アーティスト。滞在中に制作した彼女にとって初めてのダンスフィルム《The Cuckoo’s Cry》は世界各地のフェスティバルなどで上映されている。
「愛の夢」 2015年 7分 world premiere
「熱風」 2014年 30分
飯名尚人(Naoto Iina/日本)

映像作家、演出家、ドラマトゥルク、プロデューサーとして幅広く活動。映像作家として佐藤信『The Sprits Play』、川口隆夫『a perfect life』、小池博史「風の又三郎」「世界会議」に参加。ドラマトゥルクとして川口隆夫『大野一雄について』に参加。演出家として『ASYL』『熱風』などジャンル横断的作品を演出。東京造形大学(映画・パフォーマンス)、京都精華大学(ヴィジュアル・シアター・パフォーマンス)、座・高円寺劇場創造アカデミー(演劇のためのヴィジュアル演出)で教える。
「ノック」 2013年 6分
地球上に残された最後の男が、ひとり部屋に座っている。同じ時間に、泊りがけで集まっている3人の男の子達が、互いの怖い話に夢中になっている。架空の男の孤独な人生と、 ひとりの男の子のこれからの将来に起きる特別な出来事とがクロスオーバーしてゆく。
【上映協力】Dance and Media Japan
「坊っちゃん合宿」 2017年 23分 ワールドプレミアworld premiere
1回目 13:00-14:35 |
2回目 15:00-16:35 |
3回目 17:00-18:35 |
①「The Cuckoo’s Cry」
⑤「坊っちゃん 合宿」
24日のみ スペシャルトークあります! 18:45-20:15頃
スピーカー:飯名尚人(映像作家・Dance and Media Japan)
「The Cuckoo’s Cry」 ゲスト:上村絵梨子(作品製作プロデュサー)
「熱風」 ゲスト:坂本公成(モノクロームサーカス主宰・振付家)
「坊っちゃん合宿」 スカイプによる出演―ネイサン・スミス監督
会場:京都芸術センター ミーティングルーム2(南館3階)
予約申し込み 京都芸術センター
TEL 075-213-1000 京都芸術センター(窓口:10:00-20:00)WEB
【主催】 NPO法人 ジャパン・コンテンポラリーダンス・ネットワーク(JCDN)/ 京都芸術センター
Dance and Film The Narrative Body
A Screening of Films by Directors from Israel/Japan/Australia
◼️Inbal Oshma / Israel
◼️Naoto Iina / Japan
◼️Nathan Smith / Australia
Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th of Feb 2018
[Venue] Kyoto Arts Center Meeting Room2 (South Building 3F) 546-2 Yamabusiyama-cho, Muromachi-dori Takoyakushi kudaru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto
We apologize for the changes, but due to unforeseen circumstances, director Nathan Smith can’t join with us this time. He will talk by Skype. We look forward to seeing you all there!
As a part of the <International Artist in Residence Program (AIR)> in which we invited artists from abroad to make a piece in residency with a Japanese artist, we will have a screening of the film that JCDN and the Kyoto Art Center produced from 2014 to 2017 as well as a short dance film by the same director. Also, we will have a talk session about what is happening with dance films abroad with Naoto Iina, from the group Dance and Media Japan that held an international dance film festival to introduce dance films from Japan and overseas. We will also hold a director’s talk with the director Nathan Smith from Australia.
Don’t miss these special films that you cannot see on DVD!
Screening work
Director: Inbal Oshma
“The Cuckoo’s Cry” 2014 27min World Premiere
Israeli choreographer Inbal Oshma and novelist Yannets Levi produced this film in Kyoto as resident artists at Kyoto Arts Center in 2014.They were inspired by the haiku by Matsuo Basho (“Even in Kyoto – hearing the cuckoo’s cry – I long for Kyoto”) and composed a story rich in poetic sentiment with dance and music.
Director:Inbal Oshma
Choreographer:Inbal Oshma
Direction & Screenplay:Inbal Oshma & Yannets Levi
Director & Photography:Yohei Kogi
Original Score:Doron Butnik
Edit, Sound & Design:Sagie Baron
Performer:Yoko Higasino, Izumi Fujii (Scarabe), Yukio Miyahara (Scarabe), Meyu Kobayashi,
Ryonosuke Endo, Hisayo Sugimoto, Atsushi Heki, Chie Nakane, Maya Izutsu
Produce:Eriko Kamimura / Kyoto Art Centor
* This piece was filmed in Kyoto city with dancers and filmography staff from Kyoto in the 2014 KAC International AIR Program.
Inbal Oshman (Israel)
Inbal Oshman’s dance works find inspiration in diverse cultural sources. Her movement and artistic vision offer a unified compound of mythical, historical and cultural elements from different worlds. Oshman creates dance for stage, public spaces and screen. Her pieces are shown and performed in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, India, Portugal, Serbia, Cyprus and other countries.
In 2013 Oshman was a resident choreographer at Attakkalari Dance Company, Bangalore, India where she created M to Stabat Mater by Pergolesi for the company’s 4 senior dancers. In 2015 she was a resident choreographer in Kyoto Art Center, Japan, where she created the dance film The Cuckoo’s Cry. This film has been shown in a variety of festivals around the world and is part of Ikono TV repertoire. Since 2016 M is performed in Europe with the prestigious Camerata Geneva. In 2018 M will premier in the US as part of Peak Performance program in Montclair State University with the New York Baroque Incorporated.
As of January 2016, Oshman is a resident artist in Fest'Factory, Bat-Yam, Israel. During her residency, she has created and performed Homeless Lullaby, a dance piece inspired by lullabies from around the world. Homeless Lullaby will be performed in Dresden, Germany in 2018.
Constantly researching theory of the choreographic act, Oshman is also a graduate of the Philosophy and History Department of Tel-Aviv University.
Other dance pieces by Oshman: Fitting Room, Yellow Bride, Gradation, Rising Down and Border Lines.
Director: Naoto Iina
“Love Dream” 2015 7 min.
Butoh artist Yoshito Ohno performs with a finger puppet of Kazuo Ohno, the butoh artist who is also his deceased father. The love and hate of this father and son who live for dance is danced to Liszt’s piano song “Love Dream.” It was filmed at the Kazuo Ohno dance studio. It was filmed in only two takes with no rehearsal, and the additional take uses the Elvis Presley song “Can’t help falling in love.” This version set to the Elvis song was shown in the piece entitled “About Kazuo Ohno” by Takao Kawaguchi, which was performed in 30 cities all over the world.
Director & Photography, Edit:Naoto Iina
Performance:Yoshito Ohno
Cooperation:Takao Kawaguchi (”About Kazuo Ohno”) Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio
“NEPPU” 2014 30min
In a pornographic movie theater that looks abandoned, there is a film festival with no audience. The phantom movie “Neppu,” which was shown only once in 1930, is being shown again in the town’s old movie theater. Concerning the phantom movie, the aging film director (Uichiro Fueda) and the local guide (Takao Kawaguchi) meet each other in Okinawa.
Screenplay, Director & Photography & Edit:Naoto Iina
Performer:Takao Kawaguchi, UichiroFueda, Hiroya Maeda, Masanori Kinjo, Rune Murakami
Cooperation:Hiroya Maeda, Chikako Yamashiro (director of Suijo No Hito Production) Syuri Movie Theater
Produce:Ritsuko Mizuno / Japan Contemporary Dance Network
* This piece was filmed in Okinawa as Act 3 of the 4-act performance piece “Neppu” which was produced in volume 4 of the JCDN International Dance in Residence Exchange Project in 2014.
Naoto Iina / Japan

Iina is active in a wide variety of disciplines as a producer, dramaturge, director, and filmmaker. As a filmmaker he has participated in Hiroshi Koike’s “Kaze no Matasaburo” and “Sekai Kaigi,” Takao Kawaguchi’s “About Kazuo Ohno,” and Makoto Sato’s “The Spirits Play.” As a director, he has directed works transversing multiple genres, such as “NEPPU” and “ASYL.” He teaches at Tokyo Zokei University (Film/Performance), Kyoto Seika University (Visual Theatre/ Performance), and ZA-KOENJI Creative Theater Academy (Visual Directing for Theatre).
Director: Nathan Smith
“KNOCK” 2013 6min
The last man on Earth sits alone in a room as three boys spend a sleep over telling each other horror stories. A cross over occurs between a fictional man's life in solitude and the future of one of the boy's very own reality.
“Knock” was nominated for an Australian Dance Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dance on Film or New Media, the film also won “Audience Choice Award” at Made in Melbourne Film Festival and has screened at over 15 international film festivals, most notably Dance On Camera – New York 2015, San Francisco Dance Film Festival 2014, Dance Media Japan 2014 and Loikka Festival, Finland 2016.
Screenplay & Director Thomas Pollard & Nathan Smith
Choreographer and Dancer Alisdair Macindoe
Director & Photography Aaron Farrugia
Editor Thomas Pollard
Original Score Richard Lacy / Barrie Gledden
Actor Tracey Mathers, Finegan Samson, William Crittenden, Nick Belleville
Screening Cooperation Dance and Media Japan
“Botchan Retreat” 2017 23min World Premiere
The order and time schedule of the 5 films
Director Inbal Oshman’s ”The Cuckoo’s Cry”
Director Naoto Iiina’s ”Love Dream” ”NEPPU”
Director Nathan Smith’s ”KNOCK” ”Botchan Retreat”
One ticket is valid for one film showing only
Screening Schedule
- 1st Film Start 13:00-14:35
- 2nd Film Start 15:00-16:35
- 3rd Film Start 17:00-18:35
Special Talk on the 24th only! From about 6:45 pm to 8:30 pm.
Part 1: Approaching the Fascination of Dance Films
Part 2: Directors talk by Director Nathan Smith and Director Naoto Iina
[Admissions]:Advance 500JPY/at the door 800JPY
Reservations by Phone, Web and Email:Kyoto Arts Center
Please include your name and how many people are in your party
TEL:075-213-1000 Kyoto Art Center (Box Offices:10:00-20:00)
【Organizer】Japan Contemporary Dance Network (JCDN) Kyoto Art Center